Trash Can Willys Junk Removal - You Name It We Take It All For Less!
Need some old junk hauled away for the very best price possible? Trash Can Willys can help, we offer 5 star professional service, amazing prices that we guarantee can't be beat by any reputable company. We have been in business 13 years and have served over 150,000 customers in Southern NH because of our impeccable service and pricing. We are veteran owned, A+ rated by the BBB, and a portion of all proceeds go to benefit our Wounded Warriors!
Whether its a whole house hoarding junk cleanout, loads of televisions, a single appliance or sofas, construction debris, even pianos, hot tubs, garages or sheds... If you don't want it we will get it gone - big or small we take it all for less. We are fully licensed and insured and do not use cookie cutter pricing like the rest of the franchises. We use the largest trucks in the business and recycle up to 85% of your unwanted items to keep junk from piling up in the landfills.

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I'm In A Hurry & Just Need A Quick Idea Of What My Job Would Cost
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I'd Like To Speak With Bob, Curtis, or Scott About The Details of my removal
Call - 603-490-2177
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Limited Offer: Get $40 Off Your Junk Removal
You Name It We Take IT For Less & Do All The Work!
A Tip For Customers Planning On Shopping Junk Removal Pricing
Naturally, everyone wants to know, "How much will this cost?" It's common to immediately start calling around for prices. However, this service doesn't lend itself to accurate pricing over the phone by any company. You'll save time and frustration by opting for an onsite estimate. This ensures you're comparing actual pricing rather than just rough guess-timates you get over the phone.
Branch Headquarters Details
Corporate Franchise Headquarters
Trash Can Willys Junk Removal Service Inc
230 Londonderry Turnpike Hooksett, NH 03106
Junk Removal Dispatch & Franchise Training
You Name It We Take It For Less!